FAQ - Must-read

Frequently Asked Questions about CryptoTrader.app

How to Upgrade My Subscription?

Payment by Credit Card or Bank Transfer : To update your subscription, click here and provide the email associated with your CryptoTrader account.

Once you have selected the new plan, your access will be automatically extended, taking into account the unused days from your previous subscription.

Cryptocurrency Payments : To update your subscription, please contact our Customer Service at contact@cryptotrader.app.

How to Cancel My Subscription?

Payment by Credit Card or Bank Transfer : To cancel your subscription, click here and provide the email associated with your CryptoTrader account.

Your access will be automatically suspended at the end of your subscription. If you have connected an account to the automated strategy, it will be disconnected, and your positions will be sold for stablecoin.

Please note that if you delete your API keys, API connection will no longer function. As a result, your positions will remain as they are. Before deleting them, make sure to click on the "Complete Sell-Off / Revente totale" button to sell your cryptocurrencies for stablecoin in order to avoid potential market declines.

How to Change My Password?

Click on this link: Change My Password

We recommend choosing a strong password (minimum of 20 characters) with a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.

If needed, you can use a password generator site: Generate a Password.

Do You Earn Additional Returns on Stablecoins When You Hold Them?

We have thoroughly considered this option but have decided not to pursue it for several reasons.

Firstly, for profitability reasons: when the market is bullish, the returns from lending stablecoins increase. However, during such periods, we are typically already positioned in cryptocurrencies and do not hold stablecoins.

We do hold stablecoins during bearish phases when the returns are often below 1% per year.

However, closing a loan does not immediately make the stablecoins available. A market upswing can occur between the end of the loan and the availability of the funds, potentially negating some of the buy signals generated by our algorithm.

Another added risk is the requirement to activate Margin to perform lending operations.

Taking all these factors into account, we believe that this option is not relevant for our strategy.

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