
Preliminary Steps to connect Crypto exchanges to

To ensure the chosen service operates correctly, the following prerequisites must be completed and maintained.

Before configuring and linking your exchanges platform to, please ensure that you comply with the following requirements:

  1. Add the following email address to your contact list to ensure you receive account-related alerts:

  2. Complete the identity verification process (KYC) on your exchanges platform to generate new API keys.

  3. To maintain accurate performance tracking, refrain from making any manual trades once your account is connected.

  4. Your account must always maintain a total balance that exceeds the minimum requirement. Failure to do so will result in disconnection from our system. If your account gets disconnected, you will receive an automated email notification.

  5. Choose a subscription plan that aligns with your capital. If your capital exceeds the maximum limit of your subscription, buy orders will be capped at that maximum. For example, if you choosed a capital of 25, 000€ and the accounts synchronized with our Automated Strategy contains 30,000€, our system will consider that the total of your accounts contains only 25,000€ for position taking purposes.

Our Management Mandate service does not have a maximum limit.

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